Joey Frances - Publications

Full collection

a l’instar de (Knives Forks and Spoons, 2016)



a brace as of pheasants hung (hateself/Generic Greeting, 2017)

Cash/sex: A verse essay for voices, alto, contralto (collab with Bryony Bates) (Generic Greeting/intimate pussy, 2019)


Maga/zine etc

CUMULUS, issue two, September 2018

Green Zine, Generic Greeting zine #5, November 2017

adjacent pineapple, issue two, November 2017

zarf #8, May 2017

The Other Room Anthology 9, April 2017

a glimpse of, politics issue, September 2016

Brexit: Borders Kill (collab with Will Berry), July 2016

Brewtopia, a zine by Generic Greeting, June 2016

Sure Hope #1 (collab with Bryony Bates), May 2016

E-ratio, Issue 22, Spring 2016

The Curly Mind, issue 1, December 2015

Generic Greeting zine #2, December 2014

Gender Agenda, 'Bad' issue, Winter 2014

Red Ceilings, November 2014

Manchester Poets Declare A No Spy Zone, September 2014

Generic Greeting zine #1, 2013



Thinking of home: Shelter charity art auction, Fairfield Social Club, Manchester, November 2018

Generic Greeting 7th Birthday Party (collabs with hateself, Harry Mckenzie, KIDMILK, Esme Rees & Dzekutis, alongside work by Generic Greeting artists), Partisan, Manchester, November 2017

Cooper's Dreams (collab with Dzekutis), The Font, Chorlton, May 2017

Homecoming (collabs with Will Berry, KIDMILK, Harry McKenzie, Lulu Heal & Esme Rees, alongside work by Generic Greeting artists), Hereford College of Arts, October 2015

Copies of a l'instar de, poetry collection by Joey Frances, cover by Will Berry
pamphlet 'a brace as of pheasants hung' hateself joey frances